Can You Prove Native American Ancestry Using DNA?

Ancestry DNA Test

DNA Ancestry tests will not help an individual document his or her descent from a specific Federally recognized tribe or tribal community. The only value blood tests and DNA tests hold for persons trying to trace ancestry to a particular tribe is that testing, if the tribe accepts it, can establish if an individual is biologically related to a tribal member. Check directly with the tribe you are seeking to enroll in to find out if it will accept a blood test or DNA Ancestry Test as part of its enrollment application process.

Joining a specific ethnic origin and ancestry that has received federal recognition has several benefits. The rights to vote in tribal elections, hold positions of leadership within the tribe, share tribal property, exercise treaty rights (such as the right to hunt, fish, and gather) within the tribe’s borders, engage in cultural or religious affairs, obtain benefits and services from the tribe, and enjoy other special rights are just a few of the rights that come with being a tribal member. Tribal rights and privileges vary from tribe to tribe, as do their requirements for membership.

What percent native Americans to get benefits?

Based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2005–2009 American Community Survey, a 2012 Social Security Administration research tracked the utilization of benefits by American Indians and Alaska Natives. Social Security officials stated that one of the responsibilities of the newly established Office of Native American Partnerships will be updating this data. In contrast to 18.9% of the overall population, 15.4% of tribe members reported receiving Social Security payments, according to the survey. For those who reported having a disability, the difference was greater: 52.1 percent in the general population and 37.9 percent in the Native group. Approximately 20% of Native recipients were impoverished, which is almost twice as high as the general population. 

Surprisingly, in order to provide Native Americans with federal benefits, even the federal government has minimal requirements. For instance, to be eligible for tribal enrollment, you must have at least 1/16 degree of Cherokee Indian ancestry. However, the Higher Education Grant program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs requires that you have at least 1/4 Native American blood percentage. This indicates that Native Americans make up 25% of your bloodline.

How much Indigenous blood is needed to claim benefits?

The component blood degree of one or more tribes in the applicant’s lineage is displayed on a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood. Each tribe has a different enrolment requirement %. A person cannot become a member of some tribes unless they fulfill certain requirements.

One of the most popular standards used by U.S. government and tribal governments to define American Indian status is the degree of Indian blood, or “blood quantum.” For the Hopi Nation, the required quantity for enrolment might range from 1/2 to 1/16 for the Eastern Band of Cherokee. Certain tribes, such as the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, mandate that members prove their lineage back to a direct ancestor included on the 1907 Dawes Roll, even if they do not define the amount of blood required. For the majority of its programs, the federal government continues to impose a 1/4 blood minimum that can be proven with an ancestry DNA test. Of course, a higher percentage of “blood” from American Indians restricts the eligible population more than a lower amount does.

How to find out if you are a native American?

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), a division of the US Department of Interior, is responsible for issuing CDIB cards. The majority of tribes utilize this credential (CDIB) as the foundation for new member enrollment. An official U.S. document known as the CDIB is used to verify that an individual has genuine Native heritage and does, in fact, have a portion of Native American blood. However, take note that the blood must be associated with a Native American group that has received federal recognition. The certificate can be gained by performing an ancestry DNA test from a certified lab. Along with legal documentation proving the applicant’s lineage from both parents, the genealogy must be supplied. These records must include birth certificates.

Where to Get DNA Ancestry Testing for Native American Heritage?

Tribe countries have not historically defined tribe membership based on blood quantum. Instead, the US government invented the concept of blood quantum and then exploited it to evict Native Americans from their lands and civil freedoms. The first step in the certified laboratory processes of renowned facilities like Choice DNA and their easy Ancestry DNA mouth swab. After that, we examine more than 80,000 DNA genetic markers that are specific to you, cross-referencing the results with data from over 1,000 reference populations and dozens of gene pools. This systematic process guarantees the production of an extensive report that explains the origins of your family’s DNA and the migration of your individual DNA signature throughout time.

Find Your Genetic Roots with Our Ancestry Testing Service

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The claim to sovereignty of a tribal country is violated when someone asserts their Native American heritage based on a remote or illusory Native American ancestor. In fact, the fraudulent claims of having a Native American great-grandmother have become so widespread that they have been classified as an anthropological phenomenon. This does not imply that a person’s family history is less significant because they have Native American ancestry. Ancestry DNA testing from Choice DNA proves to be a vital tool in order to confirm your native American origin and embrace the ethnicity and the benefits that come with it.

February 2025