Project Reconnect

project reconnect
  • At Choice DNA, we believe in helping deserving people get the DNA testing they need. That’s why we support Project Reconnect, which accepts donations on behalf of active-duty military, veterans, people dealing with natural disasters and others can use our services. Project Reconnect will contribute $100 toward legal DNA testing for each family. It is specifically geared toward providing DNA testing for the following groups of people:

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  • Active-duty military personnel
  • Reserved armed forces members or veterans
  • Those currently receiving government assistance (Social Security, Medicaid, food stamps, etc.)
  • Those currently residing in a natural-disaster zone
  • Someone who is missing a family member
  • Senior Citizens
  • Those having a Full-time Job

People who have a full-time job are also able to take advantage of these available funds. If you meet any of these requirements, you qualify for assistance from this charity. Approval is fast, so contact us immediately to get the process started. For those who’d like to help, you can impact lives by donating now to Project Reconnect! Remember, Choice DNA offers subsidized testing options for families in need. Contact us today for more information.

How to successfully complete a Home DNA Collection!

Uniting families through DNA

Choice DNA works closely with medical examiners, coroners, governmental agencies, disaster-management organizations and other groups around the world to identify victims of crime, war, terrorism, airline crashes, civil conflicts and natural disasters, among other situations. We offer subsidized and/0r free DNA testing for families in need and have processed thousands of samples of both environmentally-challenged human remains and live evidence from cheek swabs. Because of our training and expertise, Choice DNA is able to generate a DNA profile from compromised human remains, even when other labs cannot. These state-of-the-art advancements are made possible in part by your donations and generosity. We greatly appreciate your help! DNA has played a vital role in identifying missing loved ones in many situations, including 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, missing persons and soldiers who have gone missing in combat. It has also helped provide answers in countless paternity cases. At Choice DNA, we can perform tests on samples even when they have been significantly aged. DNA tests will also be beneficial for the following:
  • Future paternity tests in case of claims on an estate
  • Providing a standard for comparison and identification of people in high-risk professions such as the military or law enforcement
  • Finding kidnapped children
Impact lives by donating now to Project Reconnect! Contact Choice DNA today for more information and to learn more about the program.

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January 2025