Grandparent DNA Test

There are times when couples would like to know if they are biological grandparents of a child, and the father is either unavailable or unwilling to take a paternity test. In these cases, it’s best to go with grandparentage testing for DNA.

We recommend that both alleged grandparents, if possible, take part in the testing to ensure a more accurate result. If not, it can be performed with one grandparent.

Our fees for grandparent testing are as follows:

  • Non Legal Grandparent Office Test (includes 1 grandparent and 1 child): $320
  • Legal Grandparent Office Test (includes 1 grandparent and 1 child): $400
  •  Home Grandparent DNA KIT (1 grandparent and 1 child): $275

** Testing time typically takes three to six business days

A paternity test is preferable when the alleged father is available, but testing the grandparents can be your next viable option. Testing the mother also greatly helps in providing answers. If you’d like to know about grandparentage testing, contact our office for more. We often sample DNA for grandparentage and will provide you with the most accurate results possible.

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The DNA testing process

When both the alleged grandmother and grandfather are tested, our technicians will use the genetic coding to reconstruct the DNA of the alleged father. 

Why is it helpful to also test the mother? This way, we can tell which part of the child’s DNA comes from the maternal side (since everyone’s DNA comes half from the mother and half from the father).

If only one grandparent and one child is available for testing, it’s not possible to come up with a complete assessment of the alleged father’s DNA. In these cases, we will compare the child’s genetics to the possible grandfather. We will examine things like the number of shared genes and certain patterns in the makeup. A statistical analysis will then give us the “grandparentage index.” If it’s less than 1.00, the chances that the two people are related are not likely. A result greater than 1.00 means that it’s likely they are related.

We can also perform the same type of tests on the alleged maternal grandparents in situations in which the mother and child were separated early in life and there is no possibility of a maternity test.

If you’re interested in learning more about grandparentage testing, contact Choice DNA today. We regularly sample DNA for grandparentage and are proud of the reputation we’ve earned. Contact one of our trained professionals today to get started!

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Generally accurate, but precision depends on factors like the testing method and the number of tested grandparents. Consult with our experts for personalized insights.

Check match percentages, consider testing method, review combined results, consult documentation, and seek professional advice.

Yes, a grandparent can do a DNA test on a grandchild to establish biological relationships and confirm paternity or maternity.

February 2025