Terms and Conditions

By clicking submit I hereby certify that I am 18 years of age or older and that I am voluntarily submitting these samples for DNA analysis or other testing and that the information I have provided is true and correct. I also certify that I have verified the accuracy of the label on the container which container my samples. If signing on behalf of a minor or person who is otherwise legally incapable of consenting, I represent and warrant that I have the legal authority to do so and assume all legal responsibility. I have verified the accuracy of the label on the container which contains the samples of the said minor or person who is legally incapable of consenting. I understand that the results from these tests may or may not provide conclusive proof of a biological relationship.

I understand that if these samples are being collected for my personal informatino (no chain of custody/non legal use) that the results, if attempted to use in a court of law may potientially be inadmissible. I understand that no chain of custody pertnity teting is not abaailble for samples collected in the stat of New York.

Personal information will not be used by the laboratory for any reasons without my person consent. I understand that the laboratory may store my laboratory results for at least 7 years and will then be destroyed. I understand that most DNA test results are provided within the company’s state turnaround times, but I also recognize that this in snot a guaranteed time frame and that for various reasons found at the time of testing, such as the submission of samples with insufficient DNA.

I release the laboratory and tis representatives from any injury or harm, both physical and psychological, that may result from the collection of samples as well as from any actions that I, or other may take after receiving the sample results. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend LabCorp, Choice DNA Laboratory LLC and all of its officers, agents, employees and representatives from any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities and cost demands arising from any allegations that I did not have the right to or consent to taking any samples from the subjects on this form to perform DNA testing.

If I contract directly with LabCorp, I recognize that the results will be submitted to me according to my requests provided on the chain of custody from on the reverse side. I recognize the costs for these test are clearly indicated and will be paid regardless of the test results. Analytical services are subject to the current terms and conditions which are available at www.labcorp.com and www.choicedna.com.

February 2025