DNA Affiliate Michelle Perez
At Choice DNA, we’re proud to work with highly trained and skilled sample collectors from across the country. We have an ever-growing network of DNA collection agents, so there’s sure to be one in your area. If you’d like to know more about DNA Affiliate Michelle Perez, read on. She is a top-notch DNA collector and is here to help you.

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Michelle Perez
Sample Collector & Forensic Consultant
Region: Southern states
Ms. Perez has extensive experience in sample collecting, customer service and general business. She’s also been trained as a forensic and genetic consultant. She verifies the donor’s identification, completes the chain-of-custody form and collects urine, hair, oral fluid or cheek-swab samples for the purpose of pre-employment, drug screening and DNA testing.
Related training includes the following:
Certified Professional Collector Training
Clinical Medical Assistant
Certified Phlebotomy Course
Certified Nursing Assistant Course
Located in Atlanta, Ms. Perez can be reached at (800) 219-4362 ext. 919, or mperez@ChoiceDNA.com. Discounted paternity services are available. Call now for a free consultation!
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