DNA Affiliate Carol Davis
At Choice DNA, we work with highly trained and skilled sample collectors from across the country. DNA Affiliate Carol Davis is one of them; read on for more information about her experience as a DNA collector.
Sample Collector & Forensic Consultant
Region: Northeast Division
Ms. Davis will provide everything you need for DNA testing and will handle your job with skill. She has years of experience in sample collecting, customer service, and general business.
She can be reached at:
Affiliate: Ms. Carol Davis
Office: (800) 219-4362 x927
Mobile: (910) 740-2276
Email: cdavis@ChoiceDNA.com
Website: www.ChoiceDNA.com/carol
Below is a breakdown of our coverage area based on regions of the country. If you’d like to know more about our affiliates, contact us! We work with only top-notch DNA collection agents who are here to help you.
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